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CERT Trailer


Updated: May 9, 2024

What is a CERT Trailer? Why would we need one?

You are now at the point of adding your CERT Trailer also known as a Cache to your neighborhood emergency plan. This supply trailer will be critical for your neighborhood in the event of a large-scale emergency that will have supplies available for your immediate use in your precinct

Remember, everyone’s responsibility is to their own family before moving on to help others.  Secure your own home and safety of your family.  This includes, First Responders, they must care for their own families and home before they report to work

It could take up to 5 days, for help to come to your area.  The help will be from you and the residents in your neighborhood.  Getting to know one another is key and taking steps to be self reliant (before an event or be used of an event) is the first part of the Neighborhood Emergency Plan and is the way to guide chaos to order in a stressful event

Think about how you want to help after your family is safe, and take the training now that will support you being part of the team you choose.  You will need neighborhood CERT trailer supplies,  and skilled volunteers are vital for for the plan to be successful.  This combination will determine how quickly the residents in your neighborhood get organized and begin the search and rescue, command post, triage area up to and through the clean up/recovery process. Everyone is needed

Each neighborhood funds and creates their own CERT Trailer.  Some residents would like to donate for the purchase of the CERT Trailer and many neighborhoods have worked together, donating funds at neighborhood potluck dinners or parties for the purchase of the trailer and/or supplies

As you purchase your trailer and then work together to supply it, you will find how talented and resourceful your neighbors are. A great benefit is that you begin to feel the camaraderie that comes from being neighborly, creating amazing friendships and feeling the sense of community in your neighborhood

You will want to store your trailer at a home in the neighborhood so that it is available when needed. Consider taking all precautions to keep the contents safe, meaning, lock it up. Someone in the neighborhood may offer to store it in their yard. Behind a fence would be a good, if possible. If not, consider your options and choose the best one.  Be sure to have a couple of keys assigned out and keep track of them.  You may want to have a Quartermaster, Trailer Team Leader to organize and take charge of purchasing supplies and being responsible for the trailer

Recommendations include: medical supplies, command post equipment and supplies, rescue tools and equipment. Gathered, organized and in one place will enable and enhance your rescue efforts.   At the bottom of the article will be a link for you to download a list of recommended supplies

CERT Trailer (for a 14X8)      

Equipment for the Triage Area:                                                                                                   Folding chairs, tables, back boards, garbage can

Blankets                                                                                                                                         Emergency blankets, various sizes and types, sheets, towels (hand, bath & beach towel size)

Dishpans/Soap                                                                                                                              Scissors, disinfectant, liquid soap /pump, Hand towels/cloths

Paper Products                                                                                                                             Cups, paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags,(several sizes & kinds), rolls of painters plastic (clear & black), duct tape, wet wipes, menstrual pads/tampons, tarps

Kits                                                                                                                                               Port a potty, cat liter, sand, shovels/sanitation kits, privacy shelters, hygiene kits, laundry kits, extensive first aid kits, EMT Field Bag for each Search & Rescue Team

Supplies                                                                                                                                          Medical forms (CERT), gauze pads & bandages (all sizes), triangular bandages-ready to use, rolled strips-ready to use, t-shirts, socks, splints, (all sizes), matches, scissors, (EMT sheers), lots of clean rags, safety pins (all sizes), peroxide, rubbing alcohol & alcohol wipes, Neosporin, first aid kits, surgical masks, surgical gloves (all sizes), sutures, hemostats, stethoscopes, goggles, headlamps, batteries (AA-D), flashlights, lanterns, buckets (various sizes), sports tape, adhesive tape, first aid book ( standard & advanced), cold packs, hot packs, antiseptic wipes, distilled vinegar (cleaning purposes)

Water Containers                                                                                                                         55 gal drum, 5 gal water containers, spigots, water filters, water bottles w/filters

For the Command Post:

Equipment                                                                                                                                      Folding tables & chairs, shelter, HAM Radio, walkie talkies, computer, overhead lighting, extension cords, neighborhood maps

Supplies                                                                                                                                         Clipboards, notebooks, paper, pens & pencils, white board, markers, paper clips, forms (CERT), masking tape, stapler, staples

Rescue Tools & Equipment                                                                                                            Halogen or other work lights and stands, flashlights, inverter, generator, fuel for the generator (may need to be stored separately close by), empty gas can & siphon hose, cribbing materials (40-16” 2X4’s), high boy jack, hydraulic jack, bottle jacks (2-ton), come along (3), chains (25’ 3/8), fire extinguishers, shovels – round and square (10), pic ax, (6), pick, single blade ax, five foot pry bars (3), sledge hammer, ladders (1-6’,& 1’-16 ft), hack saws- various tooth blades, bow saws, bolt cutters (18” & 36”), assorted hand tools, pliers, screw drivers, wrenches, first aid backpacks, gas meter keys, extension cords (2-50’ & 2-25’), beacons to mark off landing lights for helicopter

Supplies                                                                                                                                         Work gloves-heavy duty (all sizes), heavy duty rubber gloves, goggles, whistles, dust masks, respirator masks, tarps (12X12), caution tape, push broom, utility knife/spare blades, rope (50 ft nylon climbing rope (6) & 25 ft 1” rope (3)), CERT Hard hats, reflective vests

Training to consider:

Red Cross Shelter Training (to set up in your neighborhood)

Animal Control (to keep residents pets in the neighborhood and cared for)

CERT Training

HAM Radio

First Aid




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