We never know when an emergency will happen. Having your plan and preparations made ahead of time takes much of the chaos out of the experience. Place this check list in a place where you will see it in your comings and goings. Then during an experience, when emotions are at a high, you can gather supplies in an orderly fashion and get on your way. I have had this list by my back door for many, many years. It gives me peace, knowing if and when an emergency happens, there is a place I can look to get my attention and help me with the next step.
 Create order beforehand.
To Flee in a FLASH Check List
*Make sure everyone in your home gets out of the house safely, as per your family plan, KNOWÂ WHERE to meet up and WHO to contact
*Grab ‘n Go Kits and Water
*Sleeping Bags, Tarp
*Pet, Food, Leash, Carrier
*Pictures - Flash Drive or External Hard Drive
*Documents, Insurance #’s, Bank #’s, Emergency Phone #’s (Keep Originals in a Waterproof, Fireproof Lock Box, or flash drive)
*Remedies, Prescriptions, Consecrated Oil, Supplements, Essential Oils, Small Ice Chest with Frozen Gel Pack (Freezer)
*Purse, Cash, Credit Cards, Phone & Charger, Camera, Phone #’s
*Baby Supplies, Food, Formula, Diapers & Wipes, Clothes, Toys, Blanket
*Favorite Book, Paper and Pencil
*Personal Protection
*Radio- Battery Powered, Solar or Wind Up
*Fuel in Car, Keep it at ½ Tank AT ALL TIMES! Keep Up Your Vehicle’s Maintenance!
*Keep Car Stocked with Extra Food and Water, First Aid Supplies, Jumper Cables, Tools, Flashlight, Blanket, Umbrella
*KSL Radio 1160 AM is the # for Emergency Information for the SL and surrounding Utah Area
*Walkie Talkies, CB Radio, HAM radio, Satellite phone and recharging equipment
To Flee in a Flash Check Llist