What does Shelter in Place Mean?
Shelter in Place means to stay in your home and not leave in the event of a chemical spill, storm or other unusual event.
Make prior arrangements to collect the supplies you may need. In the event, grab your shelter - in - place kit and go to the previously chosen room of your home. You will want to go to a room with few windows and as high in the home as possible (do not go to the basement if a chemical spill. Chemicals settle low to the ground). You will want to seal all windows, doors, electrical outlets and vents.
Take a look at the video below for more information.
Look for the steps in all the videos for better understanding.
Residential Shelter in Place
Be sure to make a Shelter-in-Place Kit that will be ready in a moment's notice.
Start with a large container and add
Battery powered radio
Batteries stored separate
Food, snacks
scissors, plastic sheeting, duct tape, towels to block air from the rest of the house-games, a book to read, paper, pencils, coloring books, crayons.
Shelter in Place
Shelter in Place Kit