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Sanitation Education, Kit and Procedures


Updated: May 9, 2024

Having a Sanitation Kit ready to go will put your mind to rest.  Sanitation is one of those issues that is unpleasant to talk about yet, critical to learn.  So let’s talk about it.

If the power goes out, most cities will have enough back up power to run the waste system for approximately three days.  Great, no worries,  however, if it goes down for longer than that, there may be trouble, especially for those downstream. 

Waste systems depend on power to move waste.  Otherwise it fills up the pipes and those down stream are the first to feel the effects of it.  Sewage comes up from toilets, showers, sinks and basement drains. YUK!  it is awful if you have ever had a back up happen in your home, now imagine it on a large scale

Water will most likely not be running in this instance, so save your stored water for drinking, cooking, washing hands and bodies, cleaning and laundry.

Prepare a sanitation kit that you can count on and become educated about how to use it and to dispose of waste so you know what to do if it ever happens.  Protect yourself and your family from illnesses and diseases that come from being exposed to raw waste.

Many may survive the disaster, don't get caught becoming sick or worse by not knowing how to navigate waste. Below you will find a pdf to download and print off for your convenience.

Basic Supplies Needed For Kit

  • 2 – 6 gal buckets (one to use as a toilet, the other filled with soil, sand, or kitty litter)

  • Or a camp toilet

  • toilet seat w/lid to fit bucket

  • 1 urinal w/ adapter for women

  • 1 thick stick at least 2 ft long

  • 1 – 2 qt labeled squirt bottle (hand cleaner).

  • 1 – 32 oz. spray bottle (Fill with distilled vinegar and 10 drops of Essential Oil of your choice to clean off toilet seat *adding essential oil increases the sanitizing and anti-bacterial properties or sanitizing product.)

  • 1 shovel

  • 6 X 12′ plastic tarp (to cover dirt dug to the side)

  • An empty garbage can w/lid (just in case you forgot to dig the hole before the ground froze, place on the north side of house to stay out of the sun, keeps the odor down)

  • 1 sheet plywood (to cover the 3x3x3 ft hole dug)

  • 2 large bags of lime to cover the hole outside when it is full

Now add:

  • 20 13 gal garbage bags (to line the bucket being used as a toilet)

  • 3 – 4 rolls toilet paper

  • 1-2 rolls paper towels

  • 1 box vinyl gloves

  • 1 package baby wipes

Enough small balls to stop up all the drains in the house in case the sewer system is down This will keep the sewer gases out of your home. (You can use a tight fitting ball in a nylon sock in the drain for easy removal)

PROCEDURE for converting an emergency or camping toilet into a dry system

  • Turn off the water supply behind and under the tank

  • Empty the tank and towel dry the interior of the toilet bowl

  • Plug the hole with a ball inside a nylon sock that fits your toilet drain (so the sewer gases don’t come in tennis balls work great-test it)

  • Make sure you have balls with nylon socks to place them in every drain in your house and be sure they fit tight.

  • Put a plastic bag in the toilet or the bucket.   If using the bucket, snap on toilet seat securely              (put a plastic bag across the top to keep the odor down when not in use)

  • Only solids in the toilet, when done with business, flatten waste with a stick and cover with an inch of sand, dirt or kitty litter. Repeat until filled.  Keep the liquids and solids separate

  • Use a urinal for liquids

  • Pour liquids on your bushes outside. They love it.



Such as Clorox as it will interfere with its natural composting. Use kitty litter, sand , soil or leaves as you layer to the top. When the hole is full, be sure to cover it with 3-4 “ of lime and then with a thick layer of soil. Add a plywood sheet on top and put rocks on top to hold it secure. The lime will help prevent rodent, or animals digging it up.

Preparations: The worst scenario

The power and water is off in the infrastructure

  • Anything you flush down the toilet will end up in someone’s house downstream. Turn the water off

  • You wouldn’t use your precious water to flush the toilet

  • Be conscientious of others

 If you have no water or power, dig a 3X3X3 ft hole as far away from the house and garden area as possible before the ground freezes. Fill hole with leaves (if available), cover the hole with a sheet of plywood, then with the dirt from the hole, cover with a plastic tarp and hold it down with rocks all around it so it will be ready for you to cover the new waste

To Dispose of Waste From the Bucket

  • Put the full bag of waste in the hole, chop thoroughly up with the shovel to help it compost

  • Cover with a couple inches of dirt from the dirt pile next to the hole, sprinkle with lime

  • Cover the hole with plywood and cover the dirt with the tarp

  • Secure the rocks until the next time.

*If you have not dug a hole previously, (winter time, frozen ground),

  • Place the closed and sealed full bag of waste from the toilet into a designated garbage can, metal is best

  • Place the lid securely on, put on the north side of the house or in a shady place. When the ground thaws, bury it, or the city may pick it up

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