Grab ‘n Go Kit
Gather a change of clothing – comfortable clothes and shoes, socks, and underwear for a few days
Jacket or sweatshirt, hat (beanie)
Pocket rain coat
All clothing in a zip lock bags
Toiletries (Put in a plastic bag so it is all together)
Hand towel and washcloth
Toothbrush, paste, floss
Make-up (makes you feel better)
Hairbrush, comb, shampoo
Deodorant, Lotion
Toilet paper, handkerchief or small pkg. Kleenex
Wet wipes
First Aid Kit (Put in a plastic bag so it is all together)
Band- aids (many sizes)
Sterile pads (many Sizes)
4-5 pkgs of rolled gauze
First aid tape
Large handkerchief (to use a sling etc)
Smelling salts
Pins (various sizes)
Sterile Gloves
N-99 Masks
Extra Plastic Bags
First Aid Instruction Book
Your personal medical information (what meds you are on and the dosages)
Neosporin, First Aid Cream
Duct Tape
Essential oils (if you use them)
Homeopathic remedies, ( if you use them)
Put in extra meds (make sure to rotate them)
Grab ‘n Go Kit
Other Equipment or supplies
Can opener (if you have cans in your kit)
Pocketknife (Multi – function)
Strong rope (100 ft)
Leather Gloves
Ground Cover/Tarp/Clips (to make into a shelter, if needed)
Sleeping Bag
Collapsible Cooking Stove and Fuel
Waterproof matches
Utensils, Plates, Cups, Cooking or heating pot (Scout mess kit size)
Whistle w/lanyard
Flashlight w/extra batteries, or Solar powered or both (store batteries separately in a plastic bag)
Head Lamp
Small radio w/extra batteries or wind up (Store batteries separate)
(KSL Radio 1160 AM for all Emergency Updates)
Notebook, pen, pencil, book to read, crossword puzzles, envelopes, stamps, etc. (In a gallon size plastic bag)
Pictures of loved ones, pets (in plastic bags)
Copy of pet’s vaccinations, contact info where chipped
Personal Contact Phone #’s (inc. out of state contact too)
Flash drive or copies of important documents (insurance #’s, Dr #’s)
(Keep on your person at all times)
Folding Shovel
Cash in small bills and coins ($25.00)
*Enough for 5 days (Ideas)
Canned or packaged tuna, salmon
Packaged nut butters
Freeze Dried Meals
Dried Fruit
Energy Bars
Emergen-C (to replace electrolytes)
Nuts, Seeds (Must be changed out every 6 months)
Can Opener if you have canned foods or flip top cans
Small containers of fruit
Enough dish soap to wash your dishes
Cloths and towels to clean-up
At least 1 gallon of water right by your Grab ‘n Go Kit
Water Bottle
Water Filter
Grab 'n Go List